It’s NaNoWriMo! For those that don’t know, this means National Novel Writing Month. It’s a wonderfully ambitious period of time were people try to write at least 50,000 words before the month is over. Personally, I’ve never fully participated in this event, mainly because I never actually think I can do it) but I am gearing UP this year. The event officially starts today and I cannot wait to prove myself wrong.
Some other writing/reading/life updates:
I have officially sent my novel Expecting Stars out to literary agents! I decided to try the hybrid route for the time being: keep writing on new stuff while waiting to hear back from agents. I sent queries out to about 10 agents and decided that once I get rejected from all (so far, only 3), then I’ll just publish it myself. Either way, expect a new novel from me at some point in the future!
I’ve surpassed my reading goal of 50 books in 2022! Doesn’t mean I’ll stop but it does mean next year the goal will have to be higher!
I got engaged! That’s exciting!
All to say, I hope hope HOPE to have some more fantastic news to share with you all in the coming months (re: new novel) but I’ll be sure to keep you updated on my NaNoWriMo progress, as well!
Great update!! It’s been an epically busy year for you! I’m looking forward to reading Expecting Stars and hearing about the monthly writing challenge. You got this!!